Family First Feature
Four stories that highlight the devastating effect of lashon hara

By Lori Holzman Schwartz

Tempo: Second Guessing
All I can think is... Should I have done  anything differently?

By Ariella Schiller

War Diaries
Just as a person goes through stages of grief,  we in the North are experiencing those same stages

By Shira Yehudit Djalilmand

Family First Inbox
“There was a lot of pain, not suffering, since suffering is a choice”

By Family First Readers

A Better You
For people with executive functioning challenges, time doesn’t flow in neat bundles of minutes and hours

By Family First Contributors

Diary Serial
I’m wondering if this is going to be my second time calling 911 from the ER

By Shoshana Gross

On your Mark
Dr. Rosalyn Livshin is a British historian who collects oral testimonies from refugees and Holocaust survivors

By Libby Livshin

The Next Chapter
Many of us look at our childhood names with warm emotions

By Ahava Ehrenpreis

I cried and asked Hashem why He had to make these simple things such a hassle

By Mindel Kassorla

Face to Face
Modim offers us the most genuine, all-inclusive, and sincere version of Thank You, Hashem

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Knesset Channel
What weighed most on Bibi's mind wasn’t the fallout from his visits to Washington and Florida, but rather coalition maintenance

By Avi Blum, ESQ

A Few Minutes With
A few minutes with Paraguay's President Santiago Peña

By Yaakov Lipszyc

The Great Escape
The biggest surprise was not what I’d left, but what I found

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

For the Record
Gather your wits (and some back issues of Mishpacha), and we’ll see how much you’ve absorbed on this journey through Jewish history

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer