A Better You
People who are neurodivergent have often learned from a very young age to hide themselves. But their relentless efforts to act and behave neurotypically can come at a heavy cost.

By Family First Contributors

You don’t make a penny more or less than you’re supposed to. We hear this all the time, and yet and yet — it’s daunting to live by this knowledge.

By Family First Contributors

A tiny shadow of a little girl. Standing. On the outside of the open windowpane. On the sill as narrow as a tea biscuit.

By Leah Wachsler

Family First Serial
There were no tears running down her cheeks, but she felt a cloud of sadness blocking the radiant San Francisco sunshine.

By Miriam Zakon

Family Reflections
Words have a huge impact on our emotional state

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Family First Feature
Play therapy. For Adults. While the image of a middle-aged woman playing with dolls may raise your eyebrows, some women say it changed their lives.

By Leah Wachsler

Family First Serial
“I see what Ta doesn’t, that there are a lot of very unhappy staff members right now, and he’s going to have a serious problem on his hands if something doesn’t get done soon.”

By Gila Arnold

Family First Inbox
I think one of the hardest nisyonos is watching your child struggle

By Family First Readers

One of the women listening in on the call started laughing, in a laugh reminiscent of Sarah Imeinu’s. She knew there was no way for her to carry a child

By Riki Goldstein

We want to show everyone that we need Hashem and we serve Him at any and all stages and facets of life

By Faigy Peritzman

Another thing to fight over — who gets to eat their week’s worth of sugar in one go while having the box in front of them

By Yael Malka

Ask Rabbi Greenwald
Your daughter wants to fit in; she also wants the comforts of a husband who will support her

By Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald

An honorable Japanese diplomat put his career on the line, granting more than 2,000 visas to Lithuanian Jews fleeing the Nazis — in defiance of orders from Tokyo

By Yosef Zoimen

Halls of Power
When it comes to the youth vote, do progressives have a future?

By Maury Litwack