Family First Feature
In the face of persecution, they found the strength to cling to their faith, defying the decrees of the Greeks. A turbulent, painful, and moving account from Jerusalem

By Gitti Meirovitz

Lost and Found: Chanukah Theme 5783
7 tales of treasures lost — and regained

By Mishpacha Contributors

Family First Feature
Shaindy Plotzker promised Hashem that if He’d return her voice, she’d use it to inspire Jewish women

By Sara Bonchek

All in a Day's Work
If you could work anywhere for a day, what would you choose? 6 Writers. 6 Jobs.  6 Adventures

By Family First Contributors

Family First Inbox
“Someone unhappy with his or her weight, instead of using injections or undergoing surgery, can visit a trained therapist to take a look at the ‘why’” 

By Family First Readers

By the Numbers
As children become adults, how much do they — and should they — rely on their parents for support? Over 800 parents and children weigh in

By Mishpacha Readers

Family Tempo
The store was going broke. Who’d be fired first?

By Esther Malky Neiman

Two Cents
It’s funny how the holiday of vanquishing materialism brought us here to… lavish parties and piles of gifts

By Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman

Jr. Fiction
Yes, Margalit thought, Abuelita taught me about words and their power… Maybe that’s why I think more than I speak?

By Malka Winner

Jr. Feature
Do the right thing! It’s easy to say… and most of us try… but could you really do it if you were tested in a big way?

By Tzivia MacLeod

Jr. Feature
How the UK made the change to decimalization

By Sivi Sekula

Teen Fiction
My older sisters were all still doing the pizza bar and kumzitz. It might have been simple but there was nothing like good old-fashioned fun

By Malky Cope

10 Questions
Aharon Mezei is the owner of Passaic's Safer Escape, which resells the Modum Fire Escape Ladder

By Rachel Bachrach

From My Table
It may not be the image that comes into your mind when you think of an Oreo cake, but this is a fun and easy activity for kids. The coolest part is when it comes out of the oven a ...

By Chanie Nayman