Family First Feature
How can we help our children become effective decision makers?

By Esther Ilana Rabi

Family First Feature
The Beauty Aficionado tackles all things hair

By Lea Pavel

On your Mark
Breindy Herskowitz proves that no life challenge is too overwhelming when you choose positivity and emunah

By Elisheva Appel

Family First Inbox
"Definitely don’t disqualify a potential partner based on background. But don’t be naive either"

By Family First Readers

Family Tempo
She was living the Israel dream. So why was she so miserable?

By Rachel Newton

Will my own issues forever get in the way of what I dream to be, inadvertently hurting those I seek to help?

By Adina Cahan

As we pass the hundredth hour of bedtime, I feel my already tenuous grip on sanity start to slip

By Hadassa Swerds

Dream On
Chava jumped. Heart hammering, she swiveled around to see Devoiry standing there, wide-eyed. A large kitchen knife was trembling in her hand

By Gila Arnold

Jolly Solly
"That does sound like a problem. But you know, dear, there are very few problems that can’t be solved"

By R. Atkins

"I will tell you a reason why some women work so hard on their appearance. They feel it is a crucial component in ensuring the stability of their marriages"

By Mishpacha Readers

The Moment
"Avraham had a Sefer HaZohar and the sefer Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim in his pocket, and they are both full of stab marks"

By Mishpacha Staff

Second Thoughts
Here we have Exhibit A of the ultimate self-absorption, the depths of selfishness

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Light Years Away
I can’t tell Chaimke, because he’s sleeping, and anyway he wouldn’t understand. There’s nobody I can talk to about it. So I’ll just talk to Hashem

By Ruti Kepler

“We had raised the bar so high with Off the Record that we were working under the pressure of all that highly positive feedback”

By Riki Goldstein