Family First Feature
While parenting challenges will arise, we can stay in the driver’s seat and give our teens the gift of an empowered parent

By Rochel Samet

Family First Feature
Mishpacha readers who’ve brought meaning, growth, and joy into their single years share their takes and tips

By Mishpacha Readers

Here’s where I know lumps should not be: cake batters, mattresses, and body parts

By Gitel Moses

Family Tempo
I was angry with myself for taking this so seriously

By Aliza Radin

Dream On
Tammy fell silent. She had no idea where Devoiry could find 500,000 shekels

By Gila Arnold

Follow Me
When Shabbos settled over the city, it was just her and Malkie and Motti

By Esty Heller

Family Diary
Once upon a time, DRAMA was a fantasy. Now it was my life

By Musia Slavin and Rechama Jaffa

It works wonders, as it always does

By Brocha Miller

Last Licks

By Family Table Readers

Jr. Feature
 Wafia Abrahim was finally able to share her secret. This is her story…

By Margie Pensak

To succeed, one must be prepared for a lengthy process to resolve challenges

By Faigy Peritzman

Kashrus Alert: A Mashgiach's Travels
Did you know that it’s assur to make milchig breads even if everything is kosher?

By Chaya Rosen

Magazine Feature
A day at the docks exposes a supply chain left high and dry

By Yochonon Donn

Out of the Woods
Elchanan realized that Avi had probably never climbed a tree before. But they were in grave danger

By Rochel Samet