The end of my mother’s life — as sad and painful as it was — was also beautiful

By Miriam Kosman

I dare me
Some of my kids have personalities that “get” me; others don’t. It’s the personalities that rub me the wrong way that lead to explosions

By Elisheva Appel

To be fair, Bruchy did give me advance notice. Not so far in advance that I could get out of it

By Perel Grossman

Tante Heidi isn’t really an aunt, but she’s always been a part of our family. And she’s a person you feel bad for

By Libby Silberman

Though Dini didn’t actually look at her, Huvy, sitting on the floor in a corner of the room, squirmed. She hated when they complained about her mother

By Gila Arnold

The Gatekeeper's Daughter
“Didn’t she tell you? Her mother wants her back in Lithuania. From what she’s told me, I doubt she actually wants to go back and live there”

By Esther Teichtal

More or Less
I want to give this to him. But there are so many buts. Who has time to plan a seudah? And matching costumes, you’ve got to be kidding me

By Esther Kurtz

I mean, what a fantastic thing to do! From then on, I too encouraged my kids to offer a meshulach a drink

By Rochel Burstyn

Global View
Raising US conduct in the Central American civil wars of the 1980s, as Rep. Ilhan Omar did on February 13, is a bit like Texian patriots remembering the Alamo

By Gershon Burstyn

Washington Wrap
Why Trump is betting the pot on building a wall and showing his supporters that he’s done his best in the face of stiff opposition

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap
Why Trump is betting the pot on building a wall and showing his supporters that he’s done his best in the face of stiff opposition

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap
“The US is not investing in its future the way it should be because we’re financing our debt”

By Omri Nahmias

Hi-tech whiz Mark Einhorn turned lemons into a winning app

By Barbara Bensoussan

Magazine Feature
Is there a way to bridge the abyss when your ex turns the kids against you?

By Rachel Ginsberg