On Topic
Should we pretend the fight never happened and soldier on? Or can we harness the aftermath of our arguments to strengthen, not strain, our marriage?

By Elisheva Appel

On Topic
Following my recent article, intrigued readers sent in their questions for more specific skin concerns and treatment options

By Lea Pavel

Family Tempo
A first date that her mother didn’t research. A first date that her parents wouldn’t meet. Until it became serious, of course

By Zivia Reischer

And deep inside, the worries and guilt surface. Am I ready for this? Am I a good enough mother to be trying again?

By Rochel Levine

Center Stage
Gabriella quickly sat up. “No, that’s not it. This is good for me. Don’t you see? It’s exactly what I’ve been missing”

By Gila Arnold

More or Less
Right, that’s why I forget supper — because I don’t usually eat it. We’re married two months already, I have to get into this supper thing

By Esther Kurtz

I resisted. I was haunted by the world that was. A world that had burnt, frozen, starved to death, or fled to distant shores

By Rivka Streicher

The Gatekeeper's Daughter
She is assaulted instead by the smell of frying onions and faint undertones of bleach. Ah, well. This is Jerusalem, not Teplidskai

By Esther Teichtal

Magazine Feature

By Rhona Lewis


By Rivka Streicher

More or Less
Ari made a face. That’s not good, is it? Should he be speaking up? Or are we so mature that he gets this disagreement is not worth it

By Esther Kurtz

Double Take
When generous donations buy special treatment

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Global View
Yet another good reason to keep one’s smartphone shut off and out of sight — even at work

By Gershon Burstyn

Global View
As the news commentators recalled the president’s life and friends and family delivered their eulogies, I was struck by what kind of man we had lost

By Gershon Burstyn