Family First Feature
Though they weren’t rabbinic figures or kiruv personalities, Yehudit Preminger a”h and her husband transformed communities. A year ago, on 13 Sivan 5777, the world lost this pione ...

By Leah Gebber

For baalei teshuvah, whether it’s their child’s bris, bar mitzvah, or wedding, making simchahs is a coming of age. Yet, like all milestones, getting there isn’t always easy

By Riki Goldstein

Family Tempo
It doesn’t help that I’m having this conversation in my own head. I know my husband would never let me buy something with this sort of justification

By Gayil Rose

Yes, they are all slowpokes, and if only they would try to speed up a little.... But alas, the real fault lieth in me

By Eve Wanderer

A Stone’s Throw
“Something happened today and I need your advice. Would I be able to come over to your house and show you something?”

By Faigy Gold

Map the Starlight
“You unleashed an accusation. I want to know why. What sequence of events do you desire to trigger by involving the Holy Inquisition in your quarrel?”

By Leah Gebber

Center Stage
Why, of all days, had Huvy picked today to actually get together with a friend? Her daughter never got together with friends

By Gila Arnold

On the House
This was so ridiculous, so utterly ridiculous, and he knew it. Rabbi Neuwirth cleared his throat, the guys gaped at him. Silently, he begged them to be nice

By Faigy Schonfeld

Normal Like Me
I still couldn’t raise that arm all the way, or stretch it out in front of me. I was disabled. Handicapped. Maybe forever

By Ruti Kepler

Shared Space
Daniel was excited. With this move, 30 years of accumulated debt and failure could be shaken off like lint on a collar

By Dov Haller

Double Take

By Shaina King

Global View
On Jerusalem, the Europeans’ diplomatic dance gets off on the wrong foot

By Gershon Burstyn

A Few Minutes With
In the wake of the US embassy move, Congressman Ron DeSantis explains why the next step is the Golan

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap
Democrats look poised to take the House of Representatives

By Omri Nahmias