We didn’t need outside props ,Sitting Still,We didn’t need outside props

By Faigy Peritzman

The enigmatic avodah of Hoshana Rabbah,The Final Showdown,The enigmatic avodah of Hoshana Rabbah

By Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Words Unspoken
What went wrong, I still have no idea ,Dear “Big Sister”

By Anonymous

Family Reflections
Establish your intention to remain calm,Bring Simchah Back to Succos,Establish your intention to remain calm

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Rebbetzin Sara Freifeld, wife of Rav Shlomo ztz”l, possesses a sparkling intellect and a regal bearing. Memories and stories ...

By Elisheva Appel

On Topic
You always thought you’d marry your best friend, but you’re still waiting for that “click.” How to survive — and thrive ...

By Michal Eisikowitz

I dare me
Thirty days. That’s how long researchers say it takes to change a habit. Five intrepid women share their monthlong journey ...

By Nechama Grossman

Real Life
We step out of our comfort zones, leave the familiar behind — and discover inner strengths.

By Mishpacha Contributors