Cut ‘n Paste
The next day I took my tefillin, which I’d had since my bar mitzvah almost 30 years earlier, to my sofer, Reb Shu ...
Point of View
The juxtaposition of Irma and Elul,Winds of Fear,The juxtaposition of Irma and Elul
By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
Simply put, the Yamim Noraim work,Soul Stirring,Simply put, the Yamim Noraim work
By Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger
“Well, you didn’t nix it off the bat, so that means you’re considering it, and I’m wondering why. You’d usually just ...
Such is the power of kavod,Kings and Queens ,Such is the power of kavod
By Rebbetzin Debbie Greenblatt