House of Mirrors
Baila opens up about how difficult it is to adjust to small-town life. Cookie asks Laylee why she never calls her by ...

By Rachael Lavon

It’s extremely awkward for me to write this question to a women’s magazine, but for various reasons, I can’t go for ...

By Bassi Gruen

Family Tempo
Welcome aboard Flight 517, and thanks for flying Ameri-delt UniLines!” In my other incarnation, I’m a travel agent. I spec ...

By Perel Grossman

Complain? Never! What’s two days spent in excruciating labor; what’s some minor (okay, extreme) sleep deprivation when it’s p ...

By Yehudis Lieber

Magazine Feature
Money comes and money goes. It can be used for good — giving tzedakah, becoming an askan — or for self-indulgence an ...

By Barbara Bensoussan

Magazine Feature
You do it all day long — but are you doing it correctly? Study after study has proven the benefits of breathing e ...

By Malkie Schulman

I’ll never know what impression I made,

By Faigy Peritzman


By Danielle Renov

Magazine Feature
Good at writing? Why not be an editor? Like to draw? Ever considered architecture? Jobs in the creative professions are ...

By Yehudit Garmaise

Second Thoughts
Imagine the year 2087 in the Middle East…,States of the Union,Imagine the year 2087 in the Middle East…

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

While my parents actually got divorced over two decades into their marriage, the process leading up to it began long be ...

By C. Saphir

“We like our music geshmak, with a danceable beat”

By Riki Goldstein

Teen Fiction
My thoughts were far from the choir. The situation was bleak. I was picturing all of us sitting with our mothers, around beautifully set, round tables. Argh. A nightmare

By Rikki Ellinson