Breit had stopped walking to face Dovi. “Actually, you didn’t choose this, you were born into it. I married into this though, so I did this to myself”

By Dov Haller

It’s a simchah, it’s a baby, a son for him and Batya. So what if the word son rips his heart clean in two, so what if his insides wrench from the pain of it

By Rochel Samet

Miri answered as succinctly as possible. She was here to uncover a fraudster, not examine her innermost self

By Leora Klinberg

"Yidden are givers, Yidden are generous, just speak to their hearts and they’ll open their pockets. Why doesn’t Motti realize that?”

By Blimi Rabinowitz

This was an emergency. My mind raced. It could be nothing. It could be something. It could be congenital or genetic. Or then again, it could be nothing

By Chanie Spira

She couldn’t have imagined how successful her channel would become, and that frightened her more than she would admit

By Ariella Schiller

For one second, an avalanche of questions: What would Ahrele do? Where would he go? Could he ever go back to the way things were? And from there?

By Rivka Streicher

So now I’m the poor friend receiving her tzedakah, when just a year ago I was the one helping her?

By Gila Arnold

A Healthier You
What is cholesterol, and why does it matter?

By Chaya Rosen

Eyes That Saw Angels
Venerable individuals still among us share their recollections of personal encounters with yesteryear's giants

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

Magazine Feature
Flying to Cyprus Erev Pesach, a Chanukah bris in Monte Carlo, walking miles through London to get home for Shabbos… it’s about meeting Klal Yisrael wherever they are

By Dr. Leslie Solomon

Family First Feature
Rebbetzin Malkah Devorah Wolfson saw herself only as a reflection — of her husband’s Torah and her Creator’s greatness

By Baila Vorhand

I wonder if this year, when we open the door, Eliyahu, the bearer of good tidings, will be there

By Devorah Cohen

Take 2
When Hashem gives us a gift it obligates us to use it and make the most of it

By Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA