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“Most questions can be answered through the guidance of Torah — we just need to know where to look”

By Moe Mernick

Works for Me
"The conversations we think are important are often not actually the ones that make a difference"

By Shaina Keren

Magazine Feature
The courts relegated her to death. But Avrohom Fixsler kept battling to give his daughter another day

By Gedalia Guttentag

Accepting the good moments gratefully and the bad moments gracefully

By Mr. Shaya Ostrov

The Rose Report
"Most Palestinians continue to distrust the US and view it as anti-Palestinian and biased in favor of Israel"

By Binyamin Rose

One who has faith in his heart and a candle in his hand does not experience the darkness

By Faigy Peritzman

Washington Wrap
It’s hard to escape the impression that the loss was not just a rough patch, but a signal that something is not working

By Omri Nahmias

Jr. Feature
Shipments from across the world are not moving as smoothly as they should, and that has led to some problems

By Malka Grunhaus