2.0 18 - Mishpacha Magazine - Page 2
Business Casual
"If you have an income right now, don’t give it up until you are at least 90 percent sure that your side hustle can pay all the bills"

By Musia Slavin

2.0 Feature
It’s a jungle out there — don’t jump in unawares

By Musia Slavin

Text Messages
The 21 percent of people who don’t like their first names

By Eytan Kobre

Family Diary
"Everyone keeps asking me if I look forward to seeing him again, and I don’t really feel like I do!”

By Shani Leiman

I’m never actually present at these alleged family meetings, but given my children’s behavior, I’m 90 percent certain they do take place

By Hadassah Swerds

Follow Me
"I am hyper excited to entertain 39 challah bakers tonight, you have no idea. Read my lips, you’re so going to regret this”

By Esty Heller

Family Reflections
To offer support, first we have to listen and understand

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Magazine Feature
Jonathan Pollard dedicates the sefer Torah pledged in prison

By Binyamin Rose