
Madame Chamberlaine: The Snow Festival

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S hprintzy Shuly wake up!”

I buried my head under my pillow. “I want to sleep.”

“It’s five past eight. You already missed the school bus. When exactly are the two of you planning to wake up?”

Shuly jumped up.

“Whaaa?! We missed the bus?! I’ll be late! My teacher said that if I’m late one more time she’s not letting me into class without a note from the principal!”

I threw the covers off.

“Ma how come you woke us up so late?” I moaned as I washed negel vasser.

“Young lady ” my mother said planting her hands on her hips. “It’s your job to set an alarm clock for yourself. If you’re big enough to go to sleep later than the little ones you should be big enough to get yourself up as well.”

Of course I got to school late. My shirt was buttoned wrong my sweater was on inside out and my hair was a bumpy mess. Ugh.

I set my alarm clock the next morning for six-thirty. Well what do you know? I was still sleeping at eight! And so was Shuly. Yikes!

It really started upsetting my mother and our teachers weren’t very pleased.

“Why can’t you girls wake up on time?” my mother asked us when yet again we were up after eight.

We were so rushed that we didn’t get a chance to answer her but I wondered why indeed?

Was school too blah? Was I going to bed too late?

“Shuly ” I said to her on the way home from school. “We gotta fix this.”

She nodded. “I know but how?”

I shrugged. “Don’t know either but this is not funny anymore.”

We came home to the divine smell of pastries baking.

“Madame Chamberlaine! You came!” we yelled as we saw her pink tassels swinging in the kitchen. She gave us a hug and served us yummy biscuits.


“Alors mes petites I hear the two of you are having a bit of a problem waking up on time in the matin.”

We nodded.

“Do you need my aide?”

“Oh do you think you can? We’ve tried everything!”

“Did you ask Hashem for His help?


Madame wagged her finger. “That was supposed to be number one even before the alarm clock.”

We smiled.

“Bon but let me show you how lucky you are to be able to wake up on time by yourselves.”

“Uhhh we don’t though remember?”

Madame laughed. “Ah of course mes petites. Come on let’s go. Bientôt it will be nuit. Let’s hurry.” (Excerpted from Mishpacha Jr. Issue 687)

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