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Living Higher: The Simchah Might Be Limited, but Chesed Would Not Be

Rather than deprive the aniyim of the much-enjoyed meal, the Rebbe made an arrangement

Over the last several years, the Belzer Rebbe has merited marrying off grandchildren, hosting several elaborate weddings in the grand beis medrash.

Last week’s wedding was a bit different: The chuppah was held in the streets of Kiryat Belz, but the seudah itself was limited out of respect for crowd safety, while the dancing took place in the Arena stadium.

The limitations on the actual seudah, however, posed an issue: The Rebbe has always been vigilant about the minhag to host a seudas aniyim, a festive, generous meal for the poor, allowing them to experience the simchah.

Rather than deprive the aniyim of the much-enjoyed meal, the Rebbe made an arrangement with the indefatigable Reb Yossel Gutfarb of the Zichron Moshe shul. Reb Yossel passed on the information to the impoverished Jews of the Holy City, asking them to be at Zichron Moshe during a specified time on the day before the chasunah. And along with the huge trays of delicious food set up by the caterers, there was an envelope for each one, ensuring that even if the simchah would be limited, the chesed would not.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 863)

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