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Living Higher: A Brachah from Rav Wolfson

"How can I not seek a brachah from such a Yid?”


Although Rav Daniel Alter, son of the Pnei Menachem of Gur ztz”l and respected rosh yeshivah in his own right, visited New York recently for just a few days, he nonetheless insisted making time to pay a visit to Rav Moshe Wolfson, revered mashgiach of Torah Vodaath and rav of Emunas Yisroel.

While Rav Wolfson isn’t known to be connected with the Gerrer chassidus, Rav Daniel explained his eagerness to visit the elderly mashgiach by sharing something he’d heard from his father.

“My father the Rebbe would say that to Rav Wolfson one can give a kvittel… so how can I come to America and not seek a brachah from such a Yid?”


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 866)

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