| The Moment |

Lighter Moments

While the lesson was clear, he apparently erred slightly in the particulars

It was at a seudah celebrating the groundbreaking of a new mikveh in Lakewood. Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar presided over a gathering, while Chazzan Yisroel Adler, a Gerrer chassid, had come to entertain at the event. The Rebbe suggested that along with his uplifting song, the chazzan also share inspiration, in the form of badchanus.

Chazzan Adler obliged, sharing a story of the Arugas Habosem (Rav Moshe Greenwald, the Chuster Rav ztz”l). And while the lesson was clear, he apparently erred slightly in the particulars. While the audience was appreciative, the Rebbe requested the microphone and amended the details: The Arugas Habosem was traveling, and while on the train, he donned his Rabbenu Tam tefillin. On the train was one of the prominent lay leaders of Chust, who, mistaking the tefillin for Rashi tefillin and the short tefillah for a full Shacharis, was impressed by how fast the rav davened, and recommended him for the vacant rabbinic post in his hometown, eager to have a rav who davened so quickly. Once the Arugas Habosem got the job, this balabos quickly realized that Rav Moshe in fact davened for a long time, and that he had misread the situation on the train.

The Satmar Rebbe completed the story and complimented the talented badchan, returning the microphone to him. Reb Yisroel deferred to the Rebbe and humbly admitted that next time he wouldn't encroach on Hungarian territory, but would instead stick to stories of his own Poilishe gedolim.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 854)

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