
Lev Avos | לב אבות

The Deepest of Deep

The words "V'heishiv lev avos al banim v'lev banim al avosam" imply a double returning — the return of children on account of their parents, and the return of parents on account of their children. It is easy to understand the way in which the guidance, experience, and nurturing of previous generations would enable us to walk in the proper way. But what might it mean for children to have a hand in their parents' spiritual development? Reb Tzaddok HaKohein teaches that the deepest yearnings of parents' hearts become revealed in the lives of their children. Based on this concept, while it may appear as if the generations are sinking lower and lower, in truth, each subsequent generation is further revealing the innermost desire of the Avos haKedoshim. Composed by Yossi Schwartz of The Early Shabbos Band, this lively niggun carries the message that, while on the outside we may appear to be the lowliest generation, in truth we are a wondrously deep generation, expressing the innermost yearnings of the Lev Avos.

והשיב לב אבות על בנים
ולב בנים על אבותם
מלאכי פרק כ פסוק כד

Artist The Early Shabbos Band
Yossi Schwartz, Momo Baumam, Elimelech Blumstein
Composed by Yossi Schwartz
Produced by Mendy Portnoy


הרב נתן בן הר׳ יעקב זצ״ל
הרב משה אהרן בן ר׳ חיים זצ״ל

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 873)

Lev Avos
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