
Jr. Tales: Kitty in the Clouds

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I ’m the writer of this story but Reuvi is looking over my shoulder and adding his comments.

(Reuvi’s first comment: Tell them who we are!)

Yeah well I’m Genesia Rubinfeld thirteen years old and my brother Reuvi is three years younger than me. Normally I wouldn’t tolerate too much company from him but this is an exception … because it’s not just my story it’s our story. Our story about a flight with Kitty. A flight into our souls.

(Reuvi’s second comment: Yuk! That’s too mushy.)

(Me: Look through all my Hello Kitty stuff so I can write in peace.)

It all began in Taipei which is a huge city in Taiwan which is an island off the coast of China which is where most stuff is made today. Including your shoes. Our Tatty’s a shoe mogul (tycoon) who supplies shoes to shoe stores in the States. Which means that he has to spend time in Taiwan working with suppliers. Towards the end of the summer he decided to take his family with him. It was supposed to be a week of sightseeing and fun. But Mommy caught the flu on Day Two of our trip. Which meant that Reuvi and I spent day after day after day in our hotel room in Taipei playing Uno and rearranging my Hello Kitty stickers and writing paper albums.

On day four Tatty had a surprise for us. Sharona. Since Tatty was too busy and Mommy too ill to take us sightseeing Tatty employed a chaperone (a fancy name for a babysitter) to take us to Taipei 101 — a skyscraper with 101 floors. The second tallest building in the world.

It could have been fun but it wasn’t. Taipei 101 has the world’s fastest elevator….

(Reuvi’s comment: Almost the fastest. There’s one in Shanghai that’s faster.)


Taipei 101 has the world’s ALMOST fastest elevator but Sharona let us ride it only a couple of times. It has hundreds of stores but Sharona didn’t let us buy a single thing. Instead we heard endless boring facts: the foundation is reinforced by 380 piles driven 80 m into the ground. Taipei 101 has a water recycling system that supplies about 30 % of the water needed in the building. Like… who cares????

Anyway… we were so bored we were almost glad to get back to the hotel our games of Uno and my Hello Kitty collections.

The next morning Mommy dropped the bombshell. “Sweethearts I’m getting better but I’m too weak to fly home to Chicago. And I know you don’t want to miss cousin Hillel’s bar mitzvah so Tatty has arranged for Sharona to fly back with you. And it’s on a Hello Kitty flight!” she said.

Flight. Fright. A whole 14 hours of Sharona’s company! I was so dazed I forgot to ask what a Hello Kitty flight was.

We found out in the evening. For starters Taipei airport has a Hello Kitty self-check-in area. “You’re going to love this flight ” Tatty said. “You’re going to be submerged in the Kitty experience and you’re going to love every minute of it.” (Excerpted from Mishpacha Jr. Issue 685)

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