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In Sorrow: Rabbi Yehuda Kranczer zt”l   

Torah, it is taught, is itself the greatest form of chesed


The sudden passing of Rabbi Yehuda Kranczer was a blow for the Detroit kehillah, not just because of the loss of a young father and husband, but because of the vacuum left behind by the man who spearheaded so much of the chesed in the city. A devoted Hatzolah and Chaverim volunteer, he seemed to exist just to help others — which made the slip of paper found in his pocket all the more remarkable.

On it, the niftar listed off the various daf yomi shiurim that he listened to every single day, reviewing each daf again and again and keeping a precise calculation.

Because Torah, it is taught, is itself the greatest form of chesed.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 862)

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