ell, that’s a good question,” says veteran composer and lyricist Reb Pinky Weber. “Sometimes the singer comes to me with words he wants to sing. Other times I get inspired when I say Tehillim or daven, and I realize that there is no song on particular words. I was once davening Selichos when the words “Kah heratzeh lanu bezuh hasha’ah” jumped out at me. Such powerful words — they became a powerful, fast but prayerful song for Avraham Fried’s album Bein Kach U’Bein Kach. There have also been many times when I’ve sat with the singer and we’ve opened up a siddur together.”
One thing he never does is put new words to a tune he’s already composed. “I can’t do that, because I need to have words in my mind to put me in the right mood and drive the direction of the melody. I’d rather leave a tune without words than push in words after the tune already exists, because for me, the words are the neshamah of the song.”
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 743)
How Do You Think of Those Words?
Bzu Hashoo
Avraham Fried