"I f you don’t count drumming on the pots and pans I received my first instrument a melodica when I was around five years old ” he remembers. “I had the afikomen and my parents offered me a trip to the top of the Twin Towers. I said ‘No I want an instrument to play.’ And so I received a melodica (a portable keyboard played by blowing air through a flexible pipe that’s attached to the side of the instrument). My great uncle Reb Dovid Felberbaum z”l of New Square taught me how to play the classic song ‘Ki Lashem Hamelucha Umosheil Bagoyim’ and that was the first tune I learned. Next someone showed me how to play ‘Moshe Emes.’ I picked up more songs by ear. I had no teacher no lessons but I just kept practicing. By the time I was 11 I had taught myself a little about harmony and chords and was proficient enough to play at a family sheva brachos and at 14 I played for an entire camp kumzitz.”