
Down a Muddy Slope in Uman

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It was composer David Kaufman who first sent Beri Weber a song with the words “Tatte helf unz shoin.” He didn’t connect to the tune but the words took root in Beri’s mind and he set out on a mission to find the tune. He credits Kaufman with the seed of inspiration for his own song. The following Rosh Hashanah in Uman Beri was part of a group making their way down the hill to Tashlich trekking through a heavy downpour. The muddy path became slick with rain and the group proceeded to jump their way down in order to avoid slipping. “We all held on together and made incremental jumps slowly down the hill as mud splashed all over our shoes and socks. And as we jumped we sang ‘Tatte Tatte helf unz shoin’ — if you listen carefully you can even hear the little staccato jumps in the music.” On Motzaei Yom Tov the crowd 20 000 strong joined Beri for a kumzitz to the new song.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha Issue 677)



Tatte Helf Inz Shoin
Beri Weber
Tagged: Endnote