
Canopy Serenade

What’s this season’s most popular chuppah request?


Shmueli Ungar: “Tefillat Kallah” by Yaakov Shwekey. People feel like those powerful lyrics help open their hearts in prayer to Hashem.

Avrumi Berko: “Ani Maamin” from Reb Moshe Goldman is an absolutely beautiful niggun and an all-time chuppah favorite.

Shloimy Daskal: As always a lot of people choose Moshe Goldman’s songs at chuppahs especially “Penei Le’elbon” and “Ani Maamin.” It’s not just the heimishe crowd who wants them — many modern people have heard or watched me sing Reb Moshe’s songs and they just love his style.

Simcha Leiner: The old chassidish material is still in very high demand. “Penei Le’elbon” is a real classic and will never go away. My song “Pischi Li” was in a few years ago and now it’s coming back in.

Shloimy Gertner: “Kol Beramah” is an all-time favorite as is “Penei Le’elbon” for the chassidish crowd. Recently people have been asking for “Ochilah La’Kail” by Rabbi Hillel Paley. And some people are asking for Abie Rotenberg’s older material — just recently I sang one of his Journeys niggunim for “Mi Bon Siach” at a mechutan’s request.

Menachem Herman: I would say Yaakov Shwekey’s “Bo’ee Beshalom.” And of course his “Im Eshkacheich” for breaking the glass.

Yumi Lowy: Almost every single chuppah closes with Shwekey’s “Im Eshkacheich ” so that is a favorite by far. Another very popular choice this year is “Kol Beramah” from Simcha Leiner and his “Pischi Li” is pretty big too.

Baruch Levine: At chuppahs people generally ask for the classics but there are some new songs which edge their way in. My “Vezakeini” has Baruch Hashem become a classic and although my “Birkas Habayis” song is ten years old it’s still playing. Ohad’s “Birkas Habonim” song is still going strong in the chuppah circuit — definitely here to stay.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha Issue 683)

Ani Maamin
Moshe Goldman
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