
E.L.U.L. | המלך בשדה

The King is in the Field!

As the year reaches its end and every Jew ponders his own beginning — the core of our national identity rooted in the kisei hakavod — yearning to return to his deepest essence of goodness, purity, and spiritual connection, Hashem comes out to greet us. The Baal HaTanya teaches that during Chodesh Elul, "Hamelech basadeh" — The King is in the field. Just as a king is most accessible when he travels the lands of his kingdom, so does Hashem make Himself lovingly accessible to every Jew during this special month. This joyous tune was written to convey the message that in addition to being a time reserved for heightened yiras Shomayim, teshuvah, and introspection, the tzaddikim teach that Elul is a time of light, yearning, closeness, and the heavenly peace of mind fostered when soul meets Source. Together, let’s transform debilitating fear into closeness and joy as we prepare for our monthlong rendezvous with our Father, the King.

אני לדודי ודודי לי
אלול הייליגע חודש אלול
המלך בשדה
שיר השירים פרק ו
מדרש תנחומא האזינו


Composed by The Blumstein Brothers
Produced by Nir Graff & Eli Lishinsky


Chaya Bistritzky ע״ה
רוחמה חיה פרומה בת ר׳ דוב פנחת ע״ה

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 873)

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