Prior to Succos I observed that the world leaders who attended Shimon Peres’s funeral came as much to bludgeon Binyamin Netanyahu as to praise Peres. President Obama’s eulogy was particularly egregious in that regard as Caroline Glick spelled out in the Jerusalem Post.

As is his wont Obama began by lecturing his audience on the true meaning of Judaism. Though he has never been able to abide the notion of “American exceptionalism” he granted “Jewish exceptionalism.” Jews he suggested are the only people destined to care more about advancing their moral and ethical vision than about their own existence. Here’s how he put it: “Shimon believed thatIsrael’s exceptionalism was rooted not only in fidelity to the Jewish people but to the moral and ethical vision the precepts of his Jewish faith.”

But without the Jewish people there is no “light unto the nations.” The Jewish people were chosen as Hashem’s vehicle to reveal Himself to the world. And as long as the Jewish people are downtrodden and how much more so if they would cease to exist chas v’shalom then kavod Shamayim (the honor of Heaven) is absent from the world. We’ll just have to trust the Ramchal over President Obama on the Jewish ethical vision and the preconditions for its realization.

Peres’s opponents said Obama “argued that he refused to see the true wickedness of the world and called him naive.” Well yes Mr. President Jewish history has not exactly been a romp through sunny meadows and if there is one basic lesson for Jewish statesmen it is to take very seriously those who declare their intent to destroy  Am Yisrael.

And as for thinking Peres naive what else is one to think of someone who coined the aphorism that “one makes peace with one’s eyes closed.” There is a word for such “wisdom”; it is idiocy.

But Peres tried to do just what he advised – i.e. plow forward with his eyes closed. He steadfastly ignored Palestinian incitement against the Jews and ordered the foreign ministry under his control to deny its existence.

Jeffrey Goldberg the court Jew of the Obama administration took Netanyahu to task in the Atlantic Monthly as a mediocrity in terms strikingly similar to Obama’s. Again the deceased Peres –Israel’s “chief optimist” – provides his chief foil. Like Obama Goldberg hectorsIsrael’s Jews for being not Jewish enough in his terms and thinking it “spiritually sufficient for the Jews to build for themselves the perfect ghetto.”

Goldberg is generous enough to admit that “the creation of a new Arab state at a moment when Arab states all aroundIsraelare disintegrating might be foolhardy.” But nevertheless assigns Netanyahu the task of creating the conditions for a viable Palestinian state to emerge.

Goldberg thereby denies the Palestinians any agency or responsibility. Responsibility for creating the kind of civil society without which no viable polity can emerge; responsibility for giving up the dream of eliminating Israel and eventually reclaiming all former Muslim-ruled territory without which no Palestinian entity should emerge.


But who is the greater optimist? The one who takes the world as it is not as he wishes it were and creates the conditions for survival and flourishing in that environment? Or the one who makes pretty speeches and expresses happy thoughts and leaves his countrymen feeling like sitting ducks in a shooting gallery as Peres did?