ecording the song ‘Al Tashlicheini’ was a milestone for me,” says Simcha Leiner, referring to one of the popular tracks on his recent album Project Relax, Israeli Edition. “When I had just started out, someone requested that song at a wedding, and it was one of the first songs I actually had to sit down and learn. Most popular frum songs have very simple music, but there are some, songs like ‘El Hanaar Hazeh’ and ‘Ve’yiyu Rachamecho Misgolelim,’ which are more complex and you have to learn them properly in order to avoid mistakes. ‘Al Tashlicheini,’ which some know as ‘Yimalei Fi,’ is definitely one of those. Back then, I sat down with a recording and a click track — also known as a metronome — to learn it for that request, and recording it myself on this collection was a personal achievement.”