| Jolly Solly |

Dobbie’s Trip

Quick as a wink, Miriam slipped Dobbie into her bag. After all, she couldn’t leave her dolly behind!

It was Miriam Morris’s birthday, and the little girl’s face was shining. Bubby had sent her a new doll. Miriam thought it was the most adorable doll she’d ever seen.

Miriam decided to name the doll Dobbie. It came down to breakfast every morning. It went to bed with her at night. When Miriam went to playgroup, she took Dobbie with her. The doll sat with all the other dolls and teddies. Miriam thought they kept each other company.

One day, Miriam brought home a note from Morah. Morah wrote that the children had been very good at cleaning up their toys. As a reward, they were going to Eli’s animal center.

“Wish I could come, too,” Moishy said. “You’ll get to see Tuki the parrot, and Manny the monkey. And all the other animals. What fun!”

“I know,” Miriam said. She did a little hop, skip, and jump. “I can’t wait!”

The day of the outing arrived at last. Just before leaving, Miriam quickly ran upstairs and grabbed Dobbie. But when Miriam came downstairs, Mommy shook her head.

“Put Dobbie back, dear,” she said. “You don’t want anything to happen to her.”

Then Mommy turned around to get her coat.

Quick as a wink, Miriam slipped Dobbie into her bag. After all, she couldn’t leave her dolly behind!

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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