Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Rabbi Yehoshua Kurland, a close talmid of Harav Shlomo Freifeld zt”l, has served as a magid shiur in Yeshivas Shor Yoshuv for the past forty-five years. In addition, he is a talented orator and author. His books include: A Time to Laugh, A Time to Listen volumes 1,2,and 3, A Bit of Wit A World of Wisdom volumes 1, and 2, Tefillah Tips, A Time to Dance (on marriage), A Time to Conceal A Time to Reveal(on Purim and Chanukah), Kosher Laughs and Lessons for Life volume one, and soon to be published Kosher Laughs and Lessons for Life volume two.
He and his wife Leah reside in Far Rockaway, N.Y