DispatchSunday, January 05, 2025My Homeless FriendsI want to humanize myself and, in an admittedly brief way, I want to humanize them
DispatchTuesday, November 12, 2024Hidden Chambers Avraham looked and did not turn into a pillar of salt. She should not have looked. He did look. And he survived
DispatchTuesday, September 24, 2024My JobOur “job” remains the same: the same intensified focus, the same intensified teshuvah, the same intensified prayer
DispatchTuesday, August 20, 2024The Paradigm Anti-Semitism is an emotion tied to the perception of a Jewish threat that does not exist
DispatchTuesday, July 23, 2024That’s the TicketBipartisanship is one of the things that’s going to take me to victory in November
DispatchTuesday, July 02, 2024Byron and Norris Two lonely friends in a lonely place. Friends who, very different though they were, had each other
DispatchTuesday, May 28, 2024Which Is the Real America? What is representative of America today — the hate spewing on campuses and elsewhere, or the unsolicited, heartfelt comments I receive?
DispatchTuesday, April 09, 2024IndigenousThe myth of two different peoples, both indigenous to the land, long competing for the same piece of territory, is just that: a myth
DispatchTuesday, March 05, 2024Their Suffering Existentially, perhaps more than at any time in my life, I am taking our suffering into account