HalachahTuesday, January 16, 2024Separate SituationCan I sort, set, or separate it? Breaking down the laws of borer
HalachahTuesday, December 19, 2023A Time for SadnessHalachah guides you through the darkest of moments
HalachahTuesday, October 31, 2023Never AloneYichud is forbidden min haTorah, and it applies to both married and single men and women
HalachahTuesday, August 29, 2023From the Other Side of the MechitzahWomen (and men) do not recite v’zos haTorah unless they can see the open, unrolled klaf
HalachahTuesday, August 15, 2023Elul: An End and BeginningAs women don’t have the obligation of tefillah b’tzibbur, the only reason for you to go to shul is if you will daven better, with more kavanah
HalachahTuesday, June 13, 2023Not Just WordsThe prohibition of ona’as devarim, “A person shouldn’t aggrieve his fellow,” is violated when one verbally causes another Jew emotional pain or anguish
HalachahTuesday, May 23, 2023More than Red and BlueThe Shulchan Aruch rules that meat may be eaten after milk during the same meal, without bentshing or even waiting any time in between
HalachahMonday, April 03, 2023It’s Still a Yom Tov! If you don’t have enough clean towels and linen, you’re not required to buy new ones and may wash whatever you need for Yom Tov