Center StageTuesday, February 12, 2019Center Stage: Chapter 45It was frustrating beyond belief that she had to spend her first morning worrying about something that should have been completed weeks ago
Center StageTuesday, February 05, 2019Center Stage: Chapter 44“It feels funny, doesn’t it? Going somewhere so off-the-beaten-Jewish path. Everyone will be staring at us like animals in the zoo”
The Money TrapWednesday, January 30, 2019The Money Trap: Preapproved PerfidyI was the perfect dupe; the case study for Credit Card Marketing 101. Until it all came crashing down on me and I risked losing everything
Center StageTuesday, January 29, 2019Center Stage: Chapter 43“That’s it for tonight. I want you to go home now and sing the song over and over until you drive your family nuts. Got it?”
Center StageTuesday, January 22, 2019Center Stage: Chapter 42It was the same reaction with all of her friends, anytime Huvy mentioned the film. As if they thought she was the coolest person on earth
Tuesday, January 15, 2019Center Stage: Chapter 41While this was normal for Heshy, it was really insanely abnormal. Who got home from work at ten thirty at night on a regular basis?
Center StageThursday, January 03, 2019Center Stage: Chapter 39Rina dropped the spatula she was holding. “Gabriella took Huvy shopping? What are you talking about? I thought she went shopping with Eli— with her father”
Center StageWednesday, December 26, 2018Center Stage: Chapter 38“For whatever reason, you have this idea stuck in your mind that you’re not worth being friends with. And that’s just plain wrong”
The Money TrapTuesday, December 25, 2018Great ExpectationsThey were living in Israel, but their spending habits were still American. It was a financial disaster waiting to happen
Center StageWednesday, December 19, 2018Center Stage: Chapter 37Rina waved her hand airily. “Who said anything about budget? This one is on my husband. Always fun to have an excuse to redecorate”