Magazine FeatureTuesday, December 12, 2023Poison Ivies “These universities have shown themselves to be evil at the core.” Why former UPenn patron David Magerman has given up on the Ivy League
Magazine FeatureTuesday, December 05, 2023Wings and Prayers Rav Yaakov Hillel: The Jewish People’s age-old weapons of Torah and spiritual merit haven’t changed
Magazine FeatureTuesday, December 05, 2023In Hashem’s Hands Amichai Schindler lost his hands, but not his faith
The BeatTuesday, November 21, 2023Israel’s Kick-Me RealityHypocrisy on Israel is a given — don't give bigots an excuse
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The BeatTuesday, October 31, 2023We Were BlindHamas didn’t descend on us out of the blue: They plotted in plain sight, and we were both too timid and willfully blind to take notice
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The BeatTuesday, October 17, 2023Into GazaWhat resistance will the IDF face, what price will have to be paid to win, and will the world let Israel finish the job?
Pendulum: Succos Supplement 5784Tuesday, September 26, 2023Stalin’s Poison PillWas Stalin's move to crush the Jews simply a violent spasm of anti-Semitism, or the far-reaching endgame of a cunning mind?
Sirens at Ne'ilahTuesday, September 26, 2023Mysteries and MiraclesTwo facts emerge that show how much worse the war could have been