MusingsTuesday, July 27, 2021The Suitcase“My shtreimel box will go in the suitcase, right?” my husband innocently asked
Follow MeTuesday, July 27, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 22 Yes, no, I-dunno, okay. Deena kept quiet throughout, trying to maintain an even face. She hadn’t expected Miri to chatter, right?
Follow MeTuesday, July 20, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 21 A post about Zev was too personal, but sharing pictures of her kids with the whole world was fine?
Follow MeTuesday, July 13, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 20All he saw was a grumpy, uncooperative wife who ruined all his plans and didn’t know how to enjoy life
Follow MeTuesday, July 06, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 19 There was a change in their lives, true, but how many people would feel blessed to have to deal with this kind of problem?
Follow MeTuesday, June 29, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 18 Deena had no reason to feel awkward. And yet, Chana’s simplicity, her authenticity, made the idea of using this event as a business opportunity feel… wrong
Follow MeTuesday, June 22, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 17 “The date. It’s the same date as the Zambia tour. I’ll be leaving a few days before. I won’t be able to come with you”
Follow MeTuesday, June 15, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 16Nooo. This was bad. How far did “make him happy whatever it takes” go? Would Binick reschedule the tour to accommodate Noe?
Follow MeTuesday, June 08, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 15“I’m sorry about my mother,” Pessie told him later that night, after the kids were in bed. “It… it wasn’t fair. And in front of everyone… I’m sorry”
Follow MeTuesday, June 01, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 14 Force wouldn’t work, it never did. Gentle cajoling, bribery — anything. Just get out of that beanbag and play with your friend or I’ll lose it