For the RecordTuesday, December 17, 2024Cholent Is Its NameFrom the times of Chazal, Jews kept the cherished custom of serving a hot dish as part of the Shabbos day repast
For the RecordTuesday, December 10, 2024What Is a Yeshivah?Rav Mottel Katz’s impact extended beyond the walls of Telshe
For the RecordTuesday, December 03, 2024The Jew Who Banked on JapanJapan’s historic victory was due in no small part to the financial backing of Jacob Schiff
For the RecordTuesday, November 26, 2024Holy DirtOne of the most highly prized commodities from Eretz Yisrael for millennia was dirt from Eretz Yisrael
For the RecordTuesday, November 19, 2024No Prayer Goes Unanswered“My husband’s greatest concern when burying his son was that there would be a crisis in faith”
For the RecordTuesday, November 12, 2024The Miracle PetekRabbi Odesser never explained why he had kept the petek secret for so many decades
For the RecordWednesday, November 06, 2024For the Bochurim, By the BochurimThis Sunday, 9 Cheshvan will mark the 85th yahrtzeit of Rav Shimon Shkop
For the RecordTuesday, October 29, 2024A Great NameMinsk enjoyed a rich history of Jewish life, yeshivos, and batei medrash, along with a slew of prominent rabbinical leaders
For the RecordTuesday, October 08, 2024Every Heart Was Broken That Yom KippurDuring the holiest day of the year, the devastating news made its rounds through the shuls of Jerusalem
For the RecordSunday, September 29, 2024The Chasam Sofer Centennial CancellationThat the Chasam Sofer would have such a proliferation of eineklach wasn’t so obvious at the outset of his storied life
For the RecordTuesday, September 24, 2024The Myth of the Misplaced NameFew threads are as colorful as the story of immigrants’ names being changed at Ellis Island