SerialTuesday, September 10, 2024Picture This: Chapter 21She didn’t know if Dovid would resent her interference, good-intentioned as it was, but she dialed anyway
SerialTuesday, September 03, 2024Picture This: Chapter 20Eeeek. She shrieked to herself, and then felt the complete overwhelm of impostor syndrome
Tempo: Second GuessingTuesday, September 03, 2024The Worst of Both Worlds I was proud of my husband’s growth. Now I’m resentful
SerialTuesday, August 27, 2024Picture This: Chapter 19Estee wondered if it was strange how much she enjoyed her mother in-law’s company
SerialTuesday, August 20, 2024Picture This: Chapter 18“Ayala and I are having our second-month anniversary tomorrow. Um… the thing is... I’m not sure she actually likes me”
Family First FeatureTuesday, August 20, 2024Song of HopeShe was born much too soon and much too sick. Would my daughter survive?
Magazine FeatureTuesday, August 20, 2024Worst-Case Scenario American-Israeli inventor Avi Schnurr prepares countries for the day the grids are attacked
SerialWednesday, August 14, 2024Picture This: Chapter 17“You didn’t think,” Tammy snapped. “If you had, you’d have realized that editing off a part of someone’s face is rude and insensitive”
Tempo: Second GuessingTuesday, August 06, 2024Blacklist: Readers join the conversationAll I can think is... Should I have done anything differently?
SerialTuesday, August 06, 2024Picture This: Chapter 16She still wasn’t over the way he’d spoken to her mother. He felt bad that he’d upset her, but honestly, he regretted nothing
Family TempoTuesday, August 06, 2024The Storm The air is no longer golden, it is a mass of black legionnaires, crimson blood, and clouds of thick brown dust