
Connecting our Mishpacha

We are amazed and proud at the outpouring of love and chesed, as Jewish communities around the world mobilize to assist the soldiers and their families in every imaginable way possible.  Below is a database of initiatives and opportunities available, as Klal Yisrael navigates this difficult time together. 

Click Here to add an initiative to the database

Ezrat Achim (Israel) 
Resources for hundreds of refugee families now staying in Beit Shemesh

We are arranging for food, clothing, bedding, toys, and more for families from the South who are trying to escape, or who have already come to Beit Shemesh with none of their belongings. We're also helping soliders by providing them with items they specifically request, and delivering to their bases. We are looking for volunteers to:

  • Drivers to rescue families from their homes (in the south) and bring them to Beit Shemesh. Or to deliver goods to bases.
  • Hosts willing to let people stay in their home or apartment
  • People to cook meals
  • Hebrew speaking therapists
  • Writers for promotional material

To volunteer contact: office@ezratachim.com

Chaim V’Chessed (Israel, Worldwide)
Assistance and Guidance to English Speakers in Israel

For assistance, please contact Chaim V’Chessed at 072-CHESSED (243-7733) from within Israel or at 718-407-2448 from abroad.
For the latest information, follow www.chaimvchessed.com.

Chai Lifeline (Israel, Worldwide)
In light of the ongoing situation in Israel, Chai Lifeline is extending its crisis services to the entire English-speaking community.

24-Hour crisis line is now open to:

  • All members of Israel’s Anglo community
  • English-speaking students in yeshivahs and seminaries
  • English-speaking parents of students in Israel

Call 732-377-5135 (USA) | 03-978-6304 (Israel) | crisis@chailifeline.org  | www.chailifeline.org/crisis

EPIC Family Emotional Crisis Center (Israel, Worldwide)

The EPIC Family Emotional Crisis Center is offering fully subsidized professional guidance, therapy and mentoring to families, children, teens and adults to help guide them through this difficult time.
Anxiety, fear, loss and trauma are all real feelings that need to heal in order for someone to function properly and grow into a productive adult.
These services are available in person or by zoom anywhere you may be. Visit our crisis support resource page for Chizuk and guidance on how to navigate these trying times: www.myepicfamily.org/crisis-support/
Call: 02-540-9000 / 718-640-1761 | Email: info@myepicfamily.org  | WhatsApp Shlomo: 058-628-5813

Nefesh B'Nefesh

Strengthening Olim in Times of Crisis

  • Supporting Lone Soldiers and Their Families During the War
  • Mental Health Resources: Providing Olim with Mental Health
  • Supporting Community Initiatives Started by Olim
  • Support Assistance for Olim from the North and South
  • Physician Volunteers: Doctors Worldwide Standing Ready to Support Israel’s Medical System

For more information: https://www.nbn.org.il/war |  02-659-5800

The CBT/DBT Center (Israel, Worldwide)

A wide range of written resources and classes to help families, schools, and communities navigate these challenging times.
Material can be accessed online, email or whatsapp.
email info@thecbtdbtcenter.com
whatsapp 201-688-0722

Relief Resources (Worldwide)

Relief provides targeted mental health referrals worldwide.
Contact your local branch: www.reliefhelp.org

Magen (Israel)

Open hotline providing consultation and emotional support. Callers can remain anonymous.
Sun-Thurs 9:00-24:00

Mayanei Hayeshuah (Israel)

The mental health department of the hospital is providing a support hotline tailored to the chareidi community, staffed by qualified therapists.

The support line is a community service, on an anonymous basis, and is not an alternative to medical consultation. When required, and in any case of intensified symptoms, please seek medical help at the local clinics and hospitals, for individual care.

*2965 | 9:00-18:00

Ezer Mizion (Israel)
  • Professional guidance hotline:
    • Feeling afraid? Anxious? Panic?
    • Dial: 1800-202-100
  • Emergency Volunteer Center
    • Providing critical medications to sick people
    • Transportation of sick and elderly people to their relatives, etc.
    • Transportation to hospitals and medical treatment
    • Dial: 073-247-7777


Bonei Olam (Israel)
Bonei Olam is providing its couples an open line for questions pertaining to their treatment, as related to the security situation:

Medical questions, starting treatment, ongoing treatment, emotional support

Ichud Hazhala (Israel)

The organization’s volunteers (doctors, paramedics, EMTs) are available countrywide as first responders until the ambulance arrives.

Ichud Hatzalah Operator: 1221


Teachers’ support extended hours: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm EST.
The Helpline can be reached at 718-686-3230 or teachersupport@ohelfamily.org.

Clalit (Israel)

Clalit members, we are going through difficult times, but it’s important that you know that we’re with you, and here for you in every situation.

  • 24/6 Emotional Support line
    • Operated by expert psychologists and social workers
  • Family doctors online
    • Operating hours have expanded
    • Pediatricians online
      Open 24 hours

Leumit (Israel)

Leumit members, we are all experiencing difficult days, and it’s important to us to remind you that we are available with our wide range of services, online and on the app, so you can have complete access to medical services, even without coming to our clinics

  • We expanded the online correspondence services with your family doctors, pediatricians, and OB/GYN.
  • If your personal doctor is not available, you can schedule a phone or video appointment with a different Leumit doctor.
  • We’re also available at our call center *507.

For more information: https://bit.ly/Leumit_RemoteMedicine1

Hoping for good, calm days ahead.

Meuhedet (Israel)
Meuhedet is also with you in emergencies.
  • Emotional health call center 24/7 at *3833 ext. 8
  • Video or phone calls with your doctors
  • Remote medical services on the website and app
  • Free delivery of medications countrywide from MeuhedetPharm, at the website, and app
  • Remote prenatal care center via telephone *3833 ext 4

Maccabi (Israel)

Due to the security situation, Maccabi is operating an emotional support hotline, staffed by social workers.
The hotline is available 24 hours a day to Maccabi members via the call center
Call *3555

The Chessed Army
Get updated with the latest chessed opportunities at Living L’Chaim’s Chessed Army chat:

WhatsApp: +718-702-5958

Sending Mezuzahs to IDF Bases (USA)

Many IDF bases are lacking mezuzahs. Starting in Flatbush, you can now donate your extra mezuzahs that will be checked by an expert sofer and sent directly to IDF bases in Israel
For more information or to possibly arrange in your area, contact Rabbi Menachem Kahn
WhatsApp :347-522-2050

Letters to Soldiers (USA)

During the unsettling times with the conflict in Israel, both letter writing and drawings can offer children a comforting way to express themselves. Whether sharing thoughts through words or art, it helps them process emotions and feel connected.

For those interested in dropping off letters for soldiers heading to Israel, please use one of the following convenient drop-off locations. • Toms River / Lakewood: 1813 Bismarck Street in Toms River, NJ 08757 (until 10a on Sun, 10/22) • 5 Towns: The Levi Yitzchak Library at 564 Central Ave in Cedarhurst, NY • Brooklyn: 1115 East 27th Street

Legal Help
Anyone in need of access to legal advice or legal resources during this time can reach out to Moishy Gerstel who runs largest frum lawyers WhatsApp group.

Contact: +1 (646) 623-7247

Comfortable Places For People & Families to Stay

For anyone in Israel who has been displaced due to the war.
Contact Simcha Fishman  +1 (248) 635-6021 | ‎sifi03@gmail.com

Business Support

Many men and women in Israel are temporarily out of work due to the current situation. Lots of livelihood/parnassah is reliant on tourism, teaching in seminaries, renting out apartments, owning restaurants, etc. Please let the following individuals know if you have a business, project, or service needed that can employ those in Israel. There are many capable, competent, and creative men and women in need of a job!
Ruth Buchler, Rivkah Richt
+718-249-7214 | +972-58-5400087

Organizing Packages for Soldiers and Families Affected by the War (Israel)

We work with specific orders from soldiers, and arrange for the needed equipment, such as flashlights, portable chargers, rain and winter gear, and more. Volunteers for driving and/or packaging can contact Yitzchak Zitter via WhatsApp: 0548028482

Kaddish and Shivah Visits for Victims

Rabbi Garry Zweig | gszweig@gmail.com  | +1-647-294-6305

Tehillim for Acheinu Beis Yisrael
Commit to say one perek of tehillim, once a week, for the duration of the situation in Eretz Yisrael. 

tefillahanon@gmail.com | WhatsApp +972-54-841-5993 

We unite a large group of girls every day at 9 p.m. EST to complete the sefer Tehillim.

To join, you can text the word “Tehillim” to 732-838-9800 or use a link. Upon entering, you will be assigned a yom which you will say every night, along with thousands of girls daily.

Tehillim Card

A pdf of a specially designed Tehillim card for anyone to print and distribute. There is space on the card to write down the name of a soldier/hostage//injured person to daven for specifically. A list of names can be provided as well.
Contact effectivedesigner@gmail.com

Share Just One Thing
Get matched up with a soldier and take upon yourself one small kabbalah for their zechus.

To sign up: www.sharejustonething.com

Tehillim Around the Clock

Join hundreds of members who have a 10-minute daily slot in which to say Tehillim. Ensure that Tehillim is recited around the clock until all hostages are released bez"H

Email: tehillim24hour@gmail.com

Rebuild the Beis Hamikdash Project – Davening by Children
Children in Israel don’t have school, and we need their tefillot and mitzvot! We’re organizing activities that bring kids together to do positive things: Brachot parties, cards for the soldiers and their families, baking, mitzvot games.

We’re looking for multiple neighbors to organize groups in their area.
Contact us for ideas and resources:
Leitoranonima@gmail.com | WhatsApp +972-53-708-9243

Brachos Campaign for Children
Incentivize children to make brachos b’zechus Acheinu Beis Yisrael, with a chart and prize when completed.

Families, schools, or neighborhood groups who want to receive copies of the chart can contact us:
trosenshein@gmail.com | 8452630182 (call or text)

Free Art Classes for Families in Israel

Daily LIVE classes for kids at 4 p.m. IST, and for teens and women at 8 p.m. IST.
Recordings are also available.

Mezuza Distribution and Hadlakas Neiros (USA)

We give out a free mezuzah to Yidden who haven't had one on their homes before. We also help secular women who are lighting Shabbos candles for the first time. This is based in the USA, via the Travelling Chassidim.
To get involved, contact taamu026@gmail.comWhatsApp 347-526-6372

The Ani Maamin Project

We want as many people as possible to say the 13 Ani Maamin's daily. We have free Ani Maamin cards available for whoever wants.
Text or WhatsApp 15147267868 | animaamin.net | chasdeidovi@gmail.com

Scar and Burn Laser Treatment (Israel)

Dr. David Friedman skin and laser center is offering scar and Burn Laser Treatment for injured civilians and soldiers at no cost. Send your hospital release report and the photo of the scar/burn to our office.
daniella@drdavidfriedman.co.il | WhatsApp +972-58-563-5673

Virtual Support Group

A Whatsapp group for moms of IDF soldiers, based in the US. The group connects moms, offering support, discussions, and validation. If you or someone you know can benefit from this, please contact:


Accommodations for Refugees

We are in touch with many, many families in the South who are desperate to leave their homes, but have nowhere to go. If you have an apartment that you would be willing to give to a family, please be in touch.
Email: chayaf@bezeqint.net |  Call: 718-705-7311


Beautifully printed and laminated set of tehillim cards for businesses that have a waiting room, a break room, a staff room, etc. The cards include prakim selected for this eis tzara to display in the office, along with the display case, all completely free of charge. The motto is - "Don't just sit there - pray something!"
To request your set contact: bkcoaching2023@gmail.com | Whatsapp 347-938-9113


We need volunteers to learn Mishnayos l’iluy nishmas the kedoshim from the Simchas Torah massacre and the current war.
Send the perakim/masechta you will learn to: mishnayosforthekedoshim@gmail.com | 201 241-2875

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