Latest Windows
Rivka Streicher
Adina Soclof
Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz
Keren Harre
Esty Heller
FF Point of View
Is sheltering kids the ideal — or misguided? Ten women share their take
Family First Contributors
Would you rather be part of a large chevreh or have one special best friend? Many teens have asked themselves this question
Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS
When faced with hard moments, remember the following: Many meaningful conversations are “charged” with discomfort
Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS
En Route
The universal motivators of sin all center on the self
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
I of the Storm
I pinched myself. Could it be that the entire Shafer crew is cooperating, smiling — and genuinely happy? Could it be that our family portrait is not a complete farce?
Ilana Shafer
I of the Storm
So I’m not a tzadeikes, I shot back to my ever-present faultfinder. I haven’t got bottomless reservoirs of patience. But I’m not so bad, either
Ilana Shafer
15 Years
"In general, we bend over backward to make sure the reader is getting the full value he purchased the magazine for, because there is only one consideration: you, the reader" 
Yaakov Gerstel
15 Years
The making of a magazine: Special anniversary project
Barbara Bensoussan
More Windows

“You bought a motorcycle?!” I look down incredulously at Leah Bogatz and laugh out loud

By Penina Steinbruch


I begged Allan to exit the highway and retrace our steps. This is not as easy a feat as it seems

By Helaine Ring


My parents have a baby grand piano for this purpose. I have ugly cabinets

By Mina Kaiser


I wasn’t sure how my appearance would go over with the old crowd. I was certain that my new style would trigger confrontational questions, maybe even mockery

By Yehudit Garmaise


Add good food, company, and a story retold for generations, and you have the scene set for the tale of Zeidy z”l and the walnut

By Raizy Friedman


Year after year, as this scene repeated itself, a piece of my heart would crack. And then, lonely despite the small hands in mine, I’d start the short walk home

By Ariella Schiller