Latest Touch Base
Touch Base
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Now We're Talking
“When we start at Chapter 26, we have no idea what happened in the 25 previous chapters”
Sara Eisemann
Now We're Talking
“Ahh, the life of a frum woman. The needs of everyone around us are pressing and relentless”
Sara Eisemann
Close Call
If you’re ashamed to tell people about the friendship, that’s an important sign that shows you don’t feel proud of it
Mrs. Chani Juravel
Close Call
The more time passed, the more clarity I gained about what the problem had been with this friendship in the first place. And in one word, the answer was, “extreme”
Devoiry Braunstein
Treeo Serial
How I’m going to stop the guys, I don’t know. I just know that if I don’t find out more, I definitely can’t do anything.
Rochel Samet
Treeo Serial
These men… Who knows where they’re going, how far, and if I can really keep up on my bike if they go too far
Rochel Samet
Step 1
Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I saw my chance and the Hashgachah. I reached out and asked if I could design the entire building
Susan Strauss
Step 1
Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I wanted to be an artist, but not a starving one. Could I pursue my creative dreams, while fulfilling my responsibilities to my family?"
Rabbi Yonah Weinrib
Embrace New Beginnings: Letters for Elul Zeman
Letters of advice and uplift for the new Elul zeman
Mishpacha Contributors
More Touch Base
Touch Base

We owe it to each other to find our niche in working for the cause — the cause being the Jewish People

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg

Touch Base

Surprise, surprise! Exploring tzniyus generated loads of thoughtful questions and interesting comments

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg

Touch Base

Move over, modesty; what tzniyus is all about

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg

Touch Base

Wishing mental health professionals only great achievements in their avodas hakodesh

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg

Touch Base

Here’s to playing the game right and accessing technology only for the good. Part two of our technology discussion

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg

Touch Base

Can we reboot our tech habits?

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg