Latest The Real Me
The Real Me
Ruchy Bromberg
The Real Me
Ruchy Bromberg
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"If she’s done this with too many clients, my entire reputation is done. I’m too small, too new to rehabilitate from this"
Esther Kurtz
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No matter how much I realized I’d done wrong since I’d gotten married, how selfish and self-centered I’d been, this parallel just brought it all home
Esther Kurtz
Family Living
Chanukah tips and tricks to make the most of these eight nights
Ariella Schiller
Family Living
No two homes are the same. Let the judgment fade away and experience joy in your home
Ruthie Levy
Slices of Life
He was just a man with calloused hands, shaping falafel balls, and making a parnassah
Shloimy Hoffman
Slices of Life
How did she get such remarkable blueberries, each one perfect?
Yaakov Rosenblatt
The Gadol Down the Block: Shavuos 5782
Rav Yaakov’s house was the lodestar of our family’s spiritual identity
Mrs. Suri Cohen
The Gadol Down the Block: Shavuos 5782
And then, one Friday night before Succos, the Rav’s home was destroyed in a devastating fire
Moshe Benoliel
Double Dance
I thought Ta likes him to be homeschooled. What made him decide to send him?”
Bracha Rosman
Double Dance
“Punishing her isn’t going to make her feel bad for what she did. It’s just going to make her feel bad that she was caught”
Bracha Rosman
More The Real Me
The Real Me

We had a class siyum with doughnuts. Everyone was so excited to have a special treat, while we just had to sit and watch

By Ruchy Bromberg

The Real Me

My name is Esther. I’m 12 years old and I live in Edgware, London, England. I have something called autism.

By Ruchy Bromberg