Latest Parshah
Faigy Peritzman
Faigy Peritzman
Faigy Peritzman
Faigy Peritzman
Faigy Peritzman
At a Glance
ISIS is back as a long-term threat
Gedalia Guttentag
At a Glance
Bolsonaro’s Brazil, pro-Israel at last
Gedalia Guttentag
5 Things to Know About
There very rarely is an easy or simple “blended family”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
5 Things to Know About
It’s really no different than telling someone in a wheelchair that she should move faster because she’s in your way.
Step 1
Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I saw my chance and the Hashgachah. I reached out and asked if I could design the entire building
Susan Strauss
Step 1
Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I wanted to be an artist, but not a starving one. Could I pursue my creative dreams, while fulfilling my responsibilities to my family?"
Rabbi Yonah Weinrib
Knesset Channel
This is the critical question: Which administration will we get?
Avi Blum, ESQ
Knesset Channel
In lockstep with his return to health, Bibi emerged from the political crisis with a reinforced coalition
Avi Blum, ESQ
In the Spirit
Pharaoh’s plan is employed by the yetzer hara on a daily basis   “Moshe spoke this to Bnei Yisrael, but they did not listen to Moshe because of shortness of breath and hard work.” (Shemos 6:9) W e’d expect that the harder a person’s working and suffering, the more he’d be anxious to hear about
Chaya Rosen
In the Spirit
Yom Tov trivia
Chaya Rosen
More Parshah

Both physical strength and intellectual power emanate solely from Hashem

By Faigy Peritzman


The Geulah can only come about when there’s true achdus among all of Klal Yisrael

By Faigy Peritzman


Sometimes Hashem, kiveyachol, joins man, and “borrows” his mouth to pray together with him

By Faigy Peritzman


“What we do know is that everything Hashem does is for the good. How is it good? That we cannot comprehend”

By Faigy Peritzman


It’s our duty to contemplate these miracles, both major and minor

By Faigy Peritzman


The Torah is describing something even deeper. At that moment, each of them was thinking of the other

By Faigy Peritzman