Latest Opinion
Yonoson Rosenblum
Yonoson Rosenblum
Yonoson Rosenblum
Yonoson Rosenblum
Yonoson Rosenblum
Linked Supplement
Knowing where we come from gives us purpose and passion as we find our way forward
Mishpacha Contributors
Linked Supplement
If you could ask a single special ancestor of yours to address one question that you face, who would you ask and which life experience would you tap?
Mishpacha Contributors
Kovna Rewrite
Stepping into the Moadon HaYehudi in Kaunas, Lithuania, feels like venturing up (down?) Penrose’s impossible staircase, stepping back in time while moving forward just the same. It’s been almost two years since we left, and we’re back as visiting lecturers.,Kovno Rewrite — Revisited,We’ve gone back in time in Lithuania
Esther Teichtal
Yosef Chaim
After Donald Trump had nailed down the Republican nomination Dennis Prager (who says he will vote for Trump “because there is no choice”) published “The Scariest Reason Trump Won.” Reflecting on the fact that Trump meets none of the current definitions of conservative — whether neo- paleo- or social — Prager posed the obvious question:
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Yosef Chaim
"What period in Jewish history would you like to go back in time to — and what would you do differently if you were there?!”
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
15 Years
"In general, we bend over backward to make sure the reader is getting the full value he purchased the magazine for, because there is only one consideration: you, the reader" 
Yaakov Gerstel
15 Years
The making of a magazine: Special anniversary project
Barbara Bensoussan
The Current: Israel vs. the World
As Israel faces its seventh month of fighting, diplomatic isolation raises a number of questions
Mishpacha Contributors
The Current: Israel vs. the World
“To understand how remarkable the accusations against Israel are, one needs to know about how other countries fight wars”
Eugene Kontorovich
More Opinion

Teachers and professors quickly learn that it is not worth the effort to critique students. As a consequence, grades are continually inflated, even as the quality of work declines.

By Yonoson Rosenblum


Of those 110 e-mails, eight contained information that was top secret, the highest classification, a fact that was either noted on the document itself or immediately obvious to any sentient being.

By Yonoson Rosenblum


Where that sense of being rooted in a particular people becomes lost, so too does all national strength.

By Yonoson Rosenblum


The pleasure of beating the yetzer hara.

By Yonoson Rosenblum


Both Hashem and the parent share the same goal — that the child return to a vibrant and close relationship with Hashem   A few months ago Rabbi Shneur Aisenstark one of the most veteran and respected educators in North America(as well as someone from whom I have gained much) published a Guestlines piece entitled

By Yonoson Rosenblum


I recently had the pleasure of spending a weekend in the Boca Raton Synagogue which advertises itself under the slogan “Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity.” For once the slogan is accurate. The large shul complex has space for at least seven different types of Shabbos minyanim by my count. There is one chaburah in the shul

By Yonoson Rosenblum