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Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Oneg Shabbos
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Oneg Shabbos
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Oneg Shabbos
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Shared Space
As the serial draws to a close, we reached out to voices of authority within the community to discuss some of the underlying threads of Shared Space. This week, Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger weighs in on the issue of hard moneylending
Dov Haller
Shared Space
Sometimes, the greatest gift parents can give their married children is the freedom to fail
Dr Meir Wikler
Election Special
If Bibi is serving as a minister, his political life is over. But if he’s the prime minister, he can fight the charges while in office
Eliezer Shulman
Election Special
Bibi is like the coach whose team is trailing with less than two minutes to go and has used his last timeout
Binyamin Rose
Podcast: Mars & Venus Leave Egypt
Episode 3: What is true beauty?
Miriam Kosman
Podcast: Mars & Venus Leave Egypt
Would you prefer to be the one taking the Jews out of Egypt...or Egypt out of the Jews?
Miriam Kosman
Table Talk
Today, both parents and educators pursue special services. But costs can be astronomical, and the process confusing and frustrating. That’s where Leah Steinberg comes in.
Malky Lowinger
Grab the Reins
“These addicts give up everything to get clean. They leave their homes, their families, their jobs, they leave their creature comforts and everything else behind” ,Grab the Reins: Chapter 34,“These addicts give up everything to get clean. They leave their homes, their families, their jobs, they leave their creature comforts and everything else behind”
Shoshana Schwartz
Grab the Reins
“When something really does bother you but you don’t let yourself feel it, that’s a problem. That’s what causes resentments”,Grab the Reins: Chapter 33,“When something really does bother you but you don’t let yourself feel it, that’s a problem. That’s what causes resentments”
Shoshana Schwartz
More Oneg Shabbos
Oneg Shabbos

The evil clerk had him over a barrel. Would he cash in his own Shabbos treasure to save the funds of his friends?

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman

Oneg Shabbos

In his dream, he saw himself ailing and weak, while the news spread throughout the city that the Rav was in grave danger

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman

Oneg Shabbos

The holy Rebbe brought the child back to life — but years later, the fires of Gehinnom raging, was this the thanks he gets?

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman

Oneg Shabbos

When the butcher banged on his door dressed in shrouds, his wife thought she was seeing an apparition. Had her husband returned from the World of Truth, or was there some grave mistake?

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman