Latest Naming Myself
Naming Myself
Rikki Silver
Naming Myself
Tali Edelstein aka Chaya Rosen
Naming Myself
Rochel Samet
Every Soul a World
Just as Moshe Rabeinu’s birthday and Yahrzeit are on the same day, so, too, Rabbi Dahan was decreed to be taken from us on his birthday. One year since his passing
Penina Steinbruch
Every Soul a World
“Yakov, in his short life in This World, succeeded in becoming a walking kiddush Hashem”
Ariella Schiller
Point of View
Pesach brings a unique opportunity to take a deeper look at what our eyes are actually seeing
Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
Point of View
The purpose of a succah is to curb the harmful influences that come with the joy of accumulating property
Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
I reminded myself that I had no reason to worry. Maybe things would happen at the last minute, but my mother would help me pull this off, I knew I could rely on her
Esty Heller
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
Honestly, I can’t keep track of Dalia’s wardrobe, even though she’s forever posting pictures of her new purchases on our family chat
Rochel Samet
Calculated Risk
A confident parent isn’t afraid of the question and therefore doesn’t panic
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Calculated Risk
It’s not my responsibility to fix anyone — not even my child or my spouse
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Get the Picture
The literal definition of photography is “drawing with light”
Shmuel Diamond
Get the Picture
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts When a shidduch is meant to happen, it happens. The boy’s name had come up before — several times, in fact. The suggestion seemed to be spot-on; from the references, it sounded like he
Shmuel Diamond
More Naming Myself
Naming Myself

Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts

By Rikki Silver

Naming Myself

Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts

By Tali Edelstein aka Chaya Rosen

Naming Myself

Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts

By Rochel Samet