Latest Map the Starlight
Map the Starlight
Leah Gebber
Map the Starlight
Leah Gebber
Map the Starlight
Leah Gebber
Map the Starlight
Leah Gebber
Map the Starlight
Leah Gebber
She rocks his shoulder, just slightly. “Forgive me, Papa, for robbing you of your sleep, but I am sorely in need of your wisdom” She is blessed to be a woman. A man must stop and think and consider. He must set back his shoulders and lift his chin. A woman may scurry hither and
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“Buy pitah?” Bavli was incredulous. “I’ve never heard of such a thing. Maybe in the big cities.”
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We see their struggle, the sweat and tears streaking their face, and sometimes feel helpless. How can we lighten their load?
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At the moment of death, a soul is born
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More Map the Starlight
Map the Starlight

She closes the book, thinks of the parchment. The only thing she does know is that Heaven wanted Jocef’s strange work to come to her hands

By Leah Gebber

Map the Starlight

She turns to face him. “I did not come here for this. I came to tell you that you should be walking. But you offend me”

By Leah Gebber

Map the Starlight

The glass is thick; cheaply made. But there is something inside it, she is sure. She holds it tight, and wades back to the shore

By Leah Gebber

Map the Starlight

As the land recedes behind them, Ramon stares. Africa. Home of riches and cruelty. The glitter of gold and flash of blood

By Leah Gebber

Map the Starlight

Papa holds out his hand. “Brother Garcon,” he says in greeting. He will not dip his head, for the icon the man wears on a thick gold chain

By Leah Gebber

Map the Starlight

Something inside her burns. She steps forward. “We are indeed honored by your suggestion, but I am afraid we must decline”

By Leah Gebber