I missed the fact that everyone there knew me and smiled as I passed. It was hard to be just another nameless shopper in the grocery
Is there a reason the gas masks have been issued now? “We’re going to pick up our gas masks today,” I trill as my kids come in from day camp. They look up at me, suspicious. But the questions only begin once the boxes are slung over the stroller, and the instructional film has shown
It was nice growing up with a sister — someone to learn from, someone to lean on, someone to tell on
I didn’t use a Haggadah with commentary at that Seder; I didn’t need to. Reading the text from my machzor, I saw the story with the freshness of my children’s eyes
But then I thought of the pleasure the journey had given me, the sense of wonder at the world My father led an exceptionally busy life. He worked first as a general practitioner, and then later as a professor of dermatology, in addition to being very involved with shul matters. He’d sometimes say: What is
Stripped of my sophisticated boots, my secret is exposed. I can hear the rumors, spreading among the shadchanim with the rustling leaves