Latest LifeTakes
Debbie Lefkowitz
D. Frankel
Brocha Miller
Batya Jacobs
Devorah Cohen
Therapy Toolbox
“I know what the feeling is. It’s…” Batsheva took a deep, shuddering breath. “It’s like I can’t stand being in my own skin….”
Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT
Therapy Toolbox
How to break free when your teen is holding the family hostage
Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT
Reel Chronicles
The kids are finally asleep. The house is quiet. It’s the end of a long summer day, and it’s left everyone sticky and sandy. I have to peel my feet off dried ice pop drippings in the kitchen, and I crunch on grit in the bathroom. I fold the laundry that covers my bed, then
Reel Chronicles
Lipa jumps the fence, hijacks the mics, and turns the Super Bowl into a beis medrash
Moshe Shindler
Baby Steps
I slowly wrote the rest of my reply, hit send, and opened up a world of possibilities
Helen Shere
Baby Steps
I should probably let the shul know that I won’t be available to host in a few months... But then again...
Helen Shere
This recipe is relatively easy to make and a great appetizer for Shabbos lunch. It looks pretty and tastes delicious, and is definitely a crowd-pleaser.
Michal Belen
Wonderful for Shabbat or Yom Tov, and for your in-laws in case they need a reminder of how lucky their son is... Just saying.
Leah Hamaoui
As I sit with a group of men representing four decades of the yeshivah, they all have one thing in common: Scranton guy. How did the yeshivah create that glue?
Eytan Kobre
A historic dedication heralds new hope for Budapest’s Jews
Gershon Burstyn
More LifeTakes

I missed the fact that everyone there knew me and smiled as I passed. It was hard to be just another nameless shopper in the grocery

By Tzipora Shub


Is there a reason the gas masks have been issued now? “We’re going to pick up our gas masks today,” I trill as my kids come in from day camp. They look up at me, suspicious. But the questions only begin once the boxes are slung over the stroller, and the instructional film has shown

By Leah Gebber


It was nice growing up with a sister — someone to learn from, someone to lean on, someone to tell on

By Esther Rabi


I didn’t use a Haggadah with commentary at that Seder; I didn’t need to. Reading the text from my machzor, I saw the story with the freshness of my children’s eyes

By Devorah Cohen


But then I thought of the pleasure the journey had given me, the sense of wonder at the world My father led an exceptionally busy life. He worked first as a general practitioner, and then later as a professor of dermatology, in addition to being very involved with shul matters. He’d sometimes say: What is

By Gita Gordon


Stripped of my sophisticated boots, my secret is exposed. I can hear the rumors, spreading among the shadchanim with the rustling leaves