Latest LifeTakes
Faigy Schonfeld
Rivka Streicher
Rivka Streicher
Gila Arnold
Rivka Streicher
In His Own Words
Florist Amerique Ashear of Lakewood is happy to share his tips
Yosef Herz
In the Spirit
G rowing up, Friday afternoons were spent in shul. Swinging on the folding chairs in the men’s section, stacking huge volumes of seforim, and hiding in the supply closet thick with the smell of Z-fold paper hand towels. My father was the gabbai. Fridays he’d prepare the shul for Shabbos, and we kids would tag
Chaya Rosen
In the Spirit
Yom Tov trivia
Chaya Rosen
Viral Growth
Two years later, those Covid-inspired kabbalos and resolutions are still keeping us going. Eight personal accounts
Esty Heller
Viral Growth
Two years later, those Covid-inspired kabbalos and resolutions are still keeping us going. Eight personal accounts
Eytan Kobre
FF Point of View
Is sheltering kids the ideal — or misguided? Ten women share their take
Family First Contributors
Now We're Talking
“When we start at Chapter 26, we have no idea what happened in the 25 previous chapters”
Sara Eisemann
Now We're Talking
“Ahh, the life of a frum woman. The needs of everyone around us are pressing and relentless”
Sara Eisemann
More LifeTakes

The days passed, and the caterpillars followed the kit’s promises to a t. They wriggled, they fell, they ate, they spun silk

By Chani Fein


Knowing that hundreds of us were making our way on foot to the last remaining Wall made it all connect somehow. I had to come back

By Devorah Grant


Do I have that same kavod? Though I’m dressed more appropriately, I’m watching from the sidelines and can’t even manage to be wholeheartedly present

By Miriam Katz


I resisted the crazed urge to call out to her, to yell for her to stop, to take me, a perfect stranger, along with her

By Sarah Fink


I mean, I wear this stuff, it’s my unique style, but would my students get it? I need to be new and fresh, hip and cool, right?

By Esther Kurtz


But then again, the ring stays on my finger while funds come and go. I’ve learned that the hard way

By Leora Rosenberg