My panic attacks became regular occurrences. I’d get upset about something someone did wrong, or about something I myself did wrong, and boom, the attack would start
I had never seen or experienced thirst and passion for doing mitzvos — a passion that was riveting, and addictive.
Elisheva was the frummest of all our children, exemplary in her tefillah, her chesed, her middos. We called her “the rebbetzin”
None of the other doctors had thought to test for Cushing’s disease. But testing showed that the diagnosis of the dermatologist, of all people, was correct
Who’s going to marry him? I asked myself. Who but I, the friend of the downtrodden, the patron of the needy.
The first interview question was, “What would you do if you’d walk into a jail cell and find an inmate hanging from the ceiling?”