Latest LifeLines
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
Washington Wrap
With 2024 race beginning, these issues will dominate
Omri Nahmias
Washington Wrap
How quickly will US allies forget American snooping? 
Omri Nahmias
#In A Word
The strong trees protruding through the snow and the sun shining through the shadows are a reminder to me that Hashem always provides us with strength and warmth in the coldness of life
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
If I had to describe the atmosphere at this dinner in Wiesenthal's honor, I would say it was this overwhelming sense of “we have won”
Mishpacha Contributors
Words Unspoken
You won the bidding wars and you got the house. Congratulations!
Words Unspoken
I’ve seen the pattern. When you see a girl slipping, nebach, you’re suddenly nice
Etched in Memory: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Sometimes there are events so monumental they’re perfectly preserved as a snapshot, never forgotten. 5 readers share the moments forever
Family First Readers
Feature Videos
When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out?
Yisroel Besser
Feature Videos
If people are giving, does it matter how much they spend on material items in their lives?
Yisroel Besser
More LifeLines

For her and my father, who had grown up in an anti-Semitic communist environment, my leanings toward frumkeit were a dangerous return to the shtetl

By C. Saphir


While my parents actually got divorced over two decades into their marriage, the process leading up to it began long before

By C. Saphir


I wasn’t fat, I just had a good appetite, and needed fuel to keep me going both in the beis medrash and on the court

By C. Saphir


I remember my first panic attack as if it happened yesterday. In truth, it happened 38 years ago, when I was 20 and expecting my eldest.

By C. Saphir


My Great-Grandfather Elyakim fought to hold onto his Yiddishkeit, but didn’t see Yiddishe nachas from his descendants. In his own lifetime, that is

By C. Saphir


Doctors aren’t prophets. They have permission to heal, but not to make predictions. But only several years later did I learn Who the true Healer is

By C. Saphir